Erfahre, wie du mit einem Human Design Reading den Weg für ein erfülltes und glückliches Leben ebnest

Es gibt viele verschiedene Wege, um ein erfülltes und glückliches Leben zu führen. Auf der Suche nach Glück lassen wir nichts unversucht, bis wir irgendwann erkennen, dass wir Glück und tiefe Zufriedenheit nur in uns finden. Es kann sein, dass du im Laufe deines Lebens Muster und Verhaltensweisen angenommen hast, die dich von deiner wahren Persönlichkeit und dem, wer du bist, weggebracht hat. Irgendwann fühlst du dich leer und fragst dich, ob das alles war und es keinen tieferen Grund gibst, warum du hier bist. Ein Weg, Bekanntschaft mit deinem wahren Ich zu machen und den Weg für ein Leben in tiefer Zufriedenheit zu ebnen, ist das Human Design System. Dieses System zeigt dir, dass du nicht falsch bist und so wie du bist perfekt. Erfahre, wie du mithilfe eines Human Design Readings dein wahres Selbst entdecken und ein erfülltes Leben führen kannst!

Das sagen meine Kunden zu den Human Design Readings

Sabine, your support and your human design coaching have helped me tremendously to build my self-esteem. With your empathy and expertise you have accompanied and supported me on my way. Through your coaching I was able to recognize my own strengths and appreciate myself. Your valuable methods and tools helped me to strengthen my self-esteem. I am very grateful to you for your empathetic guidance and I warmly recommend you to anyone who is looking for support in building their self-esteem.
Sabine Rode and her Human Design Coaching have changed my life forever. With her empathetic nature, she helped me to recognize my strengths and build self-confidence. Thanks to Sabine’s support, I discovered my true potential and gained a new perspective on myself.Not only was Sabine a coach, she felt like a friend who accompanied me on my journey. I am deeply grateful to her for her valuable support.I heartily recommend Sabine Rode and her Human Design Coaching. If you want to strengthen self-discovery and self-confidence, Sabine is the right contact person. Thank you again, Sabine, for your valuable support!
Everything you get is really worth recognizing. I didn’t expect that 🥰
Sabine Rode and her Human Design Coaching have been instrumental in helping me transform my career. With her empathy and expertise, Sabine supported me in overcoming job dissatisfaction and finding new perspectives. Her guidance and tools have empowered me to navigate my career transformation with confidence. I am grateful for Sabine’s invaluable support and highly recommend her services for anyone seeking to transform their career. Sabine, thank you so much!
I can only recommend a reading with Sabine. I felt very well taken care of and was able to learn a lot that helped me understand and accept myself better. Sabine also impresses with her relaxed and humorous nature. Gladly again 😊
The Human Design Advanced Reading with Sabine was a very valuable experience for me. I learned a lot about myself – from a new perspective – and gained inspiration for my new future. Sabine conveys her knowledge emphatically, clearly and competently. I heartily recommend Sabine to anyone who would like to learn more about themselves and their life’s work.
Sabine Rode and her Human Design Coaching have changed my life forever.For two months she accompanied me on a journey of self-development and helped me to overcome my blocks when speaking in front of large groups. With her warm and empathetic nature, she created a safe space in which I felt accepted and understood. Sabine’s extensive knowledge of the Human Design System and her practical approaches were impressive. Through her coaching I was able to accept my uniqueness and recognize my strengths. She helped me overcome my stage fright and speak freely in front of large groups.Sabine gave me valuable tools and strategies to prepare me mentally and emotionally for my presentations. The coaching boosted my self-confidence and enabled me to pursue my dreams without fears and doubts. I am infinitely grateful for Sabine’s sensitive support and recommend her Human Design Coaching to anyone who is ready to overcome their blockages and develop themselves.
Sabine introduced and advised me on the important aspects of human design in a very professional and empathetic manner. She explained my chart to me clearly and with lots of examples. I leave with important information about my personality and know how to use my strengths well in both my private and professional contexts, and I have also recognized potential that I would like to consciously develop. Thank you for the recommended and insightful advice.
Sabine knows how to give a comprehensive overview, explain the topic in general and then discuss exactly the points that are current or arise again and again. She gave me concrete tips that I could easily implement. The reading gave me new perspectives and strengthened me. At the end I received all the information in written form. A great new experience overall!
Sabine Human Design career coaching was a wonderful experience for me. I was deeply touched by her unique positive energy and ability to address my individual needs. As an expert in the field of human design, Sabine has helped me discover my unique talents and passions and align my professional career accordingly. Her empathetic support enabled me to clearly define my professional goals and take concrete steps to achieve them. I was impressed by the inspiring atmosphere and positive energy during the coaching, and Sabine helped me to recognize my inner blockages and to work on them. Their valuable advice and tools have helped me make more conscious decisions and fueled my professional growth. Sabine is not only an outstanding coach but also a wonderful mentor who has helped me to connect more deeply to my true self and approach my professional journey with confidence. I recommend Sabine Rode and her Human Design Career Coaching to anyone looking for unique and inspiring coaching that emphasizes individuality and helps to unleash full potential. Her positive energy and expertise will support you in your professional journey and help you achieve your goals with ease and joy. I sincerely thank Sabine for her great support and the positive changes she has made in my life!
I would like to share my extremely positive experience with Sabine Rode and her Human Design Coaching during my application process. Sabine was the decisive support for me, especially when it came to presenting myself optimally in the job interview.Sabine is a remarkable coach who works with a lot of empathy and expertise. From our very first meeting, I felt her warm and supportive nature, which immediately built trust and enabled me to speak openly about my fears and challenges.With her in-depth knowledge of the human design system, Sabine was able to help me to better understand my own design and to highlight my individual strengths in the application process. She helped me to overcome my self-doubt and strengthen my self-confidence in order to present myself confidently and authentically in the job interview.Sabine gave me valuable tools and strategies to improve my communication skills and to present myself optimally in the job interview. She helped me to recognize my unique talents and abilities and to present them convincingly without losing my authenticity.Thanks to Sabine’s empathetic and encouraging support, I saw an amazing change in my application strategy and self-image. She helped me overcome my fears and reach my full potential. With her help, I was able to appear confident in the interview and present my strengths with confidence.Sabine was not only an excellent coach, but also a valuable mentor. She encouraged me to think outside the box, to challenge myself and to discover new possibilities. Her empathetic nature and extensive knowledge in the field of human design helped me to find my own inner voice and to trust in my full potential.Thanks to Sabine’s coaching, I was able to develop successfully in my professional career. I successfully mastered several job interviews and finally got the job I always dreamed of. Her support has been critical to my success and I am deeply grateful to her.If you are looking for a competent coach who will support you in the application process and help you to appear self-confident and authentic, I can warmly recommend Sabine Rode and her Human Design Coaching. Her empathetic nature, professional expertise, and encouraging support will help you achieve your goals and grow professionally.Sabine, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your valuable support. You helped me to show my true greatness in the application process and to achieve my goals. Your coaching has been truly transformative and I would highly recommend you to anyone looking for professional support. Thanks again for everything, Sabine!
Dear SabineI would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the human design, your understandable explanations and the exciting explanations and examples. Your many examples always triggered aha effects for me.I found it extremely exciting and educational to look at myself from a different perspective. I found myself again in many ways. I found the realization that I had suppressed my being for a long time through the influence of family, school and society very enlightening. Human Design has shown me that I am on the right path and that I can trust my gut more and invest my energy in the projects that are close to my heart. I have the feeling that my true personality is emerging more and more and that conditioning from family, parents, school and society is falling away from me step by step like onion skins.The wonderful, lovingly designed, written summary makes it possible for me to read again and again and recall tips and reflections.I thank you from the bottom of my heart.All the best, Jasmine
Human Design Reading

Was ist ein Human Design Reading?

In einem Human Design Reading werden deine individuellen Energien und Potenziale analysiert. Du erfährst, wie du deine Energie nutzen kannst, damit du Stück für Stück deiner Bestimmung näher kommst und deine Potenziale nutzen kannst. Ein Human Design Reading ist eine wertvolle Unterstützung auf deinem Weg zu einem erfüllten Leben. Human Design ist ein Weg, um das Leben zu verstehen und zu leben. Es basiert auf Genetik, Quantenphysik, Astronomie und Biochemie sowie auf uralten Weisheitslehren wie Astrologie, der Chakrenlehre, der Kabbalah und des IGing. Human Design ist ein modernes System, das uns hilft, unsere wahre Natur zu erkennen und unser Leben danach auszurichten.

Wie funktioniert ein Human Design Reading?

Human Design ist ein relativ neues Konzept, das auf vier alten Weisheitslehren basiert. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Human Design Readings, aber im Allgemeinen wird ein Reading durchgeführt, um dir zu helfen, deine wahre Natur zu erkennen und in dein Leben zu integrieren.

Die meisten Menschen leben ihr Leben nicht in Übereinstimmung mit ihrer wahren Natur. Sie lassen sich von den Erwartungen anderer leiten, treffen für sich falsche Entscheidungen und glauben, dass sie bestimmte Dinge tun oder sein müssen, um erfolgreich zu sein. Dies führt jedoch oft zu Frustration und Unglück. Ein Human Design Reading kann dir helfen, herauszufinden, wer du wirklich bist und wie du dich am besten entfalten kannst.

Welche Vorteile hat es, ein Human Design Reading durchzuführen?

Human Design Readings können dir dabei helfen, einem nachhaltig erfüllten und glücklichen Leben näherzukommen. Durch die Analyse des eigenen Designs kannst du erkennen, welche Potenziale und Talente in dir schlummern. Darüber hinaus erhältst du mit einem Human Design Reading auch wertvolle Tipps und Hilfestellungen, wie das Wissen von der mentalen Ebene in die körperliche Ebene gelangen kann,
denn damit beginnt das Experiment Human Design.

Wähle das für dich passende Reading aus

Wenn du dich schon einmal mit dem Konzept des Human Design befasst hast, weißt du vielleicht, dass es verschiedene Arten von Readings gibt. Auf dieser Seite habe ich speziell für dich das für dich genau passende Human Design Reading vorbereitet.
Je nachdem welche Erfahrungen du mit Human Design hast, kannst du zwischen einem Starter Reading, über ein Advanced Reading, bis hin zu einem DeLuxe Reading das für dich am besten geeignete Reading auswählen.

Hattest du bereits ein Reading, oder kennst dich schon aus, dann biete ich dir ein individuelles Reading an, über das, was du noch über dich erfahren möchtest. Dazu schreibe mir einfach eine Nachricht über das Kontaktformular.